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May/June 2024 -   -  

In this issue:

READY IN NO TIME:  A shortage of Army infantry sergeants in the Vietnam War led to the creation of the Noncommissioned Officer Candidate Course program in 1965. As Richard Currey reports, the NCOCC program, nicknamed the “Shake ‘n Bake School,” graduated some 30,000 NCOs by the time it was phased out early in 1972. The success of the program, which was created under duress and at top speed, has proven to be a foundation for the NCO academies and training programs now operating throughout the Army.    [On the cover]

SPINA BIFIDA AND THE VA: Despite steady progress on Spina Bifida benefits since the passage of the enactment of the VA’s Spina Bifida Health Care Benefits Act in 2008, some problems persist, as some veterans have found it difficult to get the care their children need and are entitled to by law. Bill Triplett investigates the progress—and the problems.                        

HEART AND SOUL:   Elmira, New York, Chapter 803 keeps history alive with its Vietnam War Museum, which among other things, contains a library with some 800 books about the Vietnam War, including first-person accounts of veterans. It’s also a place, Associate Editor Trevor Strunk reports, where chapter members get together once a week in camaraderie and fellowship.  


President’s Message | Letters | Government Affairs | Vice President’s Report | Treasurer’s Report | AVVA Report | Committee Reports | Directors’ Reports | Books In Review | Membership Notes | 50 Years Ago | Locator | Reunions | Taps   

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  VVA logoThe VVA Veteran® is a publication of Vietnam Veterans of America. ©All rights reserved.
8719 Colesville Road, Suite 100, Silver Spring, MD 20910 | www.vva.org | contact us


Geoffrey Clifford Mark F. Erickson Chuck Forsman